Offering Private Classes, Group Classes and Spanish Tutoring Online!
Private Classes
Private Classes offer individualized learning plans and personal attention ...
Group Classes
Group classes are a wonderful way for students to learn Spanish alongside their peers...
Private Tutoring
Private tutoring is available for students to offer additional support for their current Spanish classes.
New Group Classes
Tuesday 11 am or 2 pm
Friday 1 pm
5th - 10th
Tuesdays 1 pm
Fridays 11 am
Wednesday 3:15 - 3:45 pm
Classes start the second week of January.
All times shown are in Pacific Time.
Private Classes
Personalized Learning & Attention
Private Classes are a wonderful opportunity for students to learn at their own pace with one-on-one attention. Students receive personal attention tailored to their specific goals and learning style. Private classes are available for individual students, families or small groups.
Students who are interested in learning Spanish through private classes have the option of starting with "Introduction to Spanish" or "Foundations in Spanish" depending on their prior knowledge and interest.
Group Classes
Learn Spanish in a fun, interactive group setting
Group Classes offer students an opportunity to learn Spanish with other students of similar ages and ability levels. Students are able to practice conversation, play games, and learn alongside other students in the class, making friendships and connections with others through the language. Group classes are available for both "Introduction to Spanish" and "Foundations in Spanish" courses.
Private Tutoring Sessions
Supporting students in their Spanish studies
Spanish Tutoring is available for students who are already enrolled in a Spanish class and would benefit from additional one-on-one support and practice. Tutoring is available for all ages and all levels of Spanish: beginning, intermediate and advanced.
All tutoring sessions are tailored to the specific interest and need of the student and are designed to encourage students in finding their strengths and weaknesses, honing their abilities and discovering the joy of learning and exploring the Spanish language.